Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy browsing tips for children

The growing concern among the parents nowadays is about their children using internet for playing.

Nowadays most of the women are employed. If both the parents are working, enough concentration towards the child’s activities would be available. There won’t be much time for them, but it is very essential to have more parental control and monitoring over online activities of children.

Parental permission to activate an account is always required. Children have to be closely monitored especially when chatting. It is very important to inform them about the harms in sharing inappropriate or personally identifiable information to unknown identities.

Few safety tips:

  • Educate the child about the safety measures that should be followed when they visit online.

  • Instruct them not to pass any personal information like address, telephone number etc.

  • Chat rooms should be used only under the supervisions of the parents.

Make them understand that they should discuss about the online messages that make them feel uncomfortable. If they experience cyber bullying tell them not to ignore and advise them to bring in to parent’s notice.

Educate them not to discuss or share the password to anyone other than you, and notify them not to open any web pages or emails, which they are receiving from any people whom they don’t know.