Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Easy steps to remain happy

Try these five simple guidelines:

1. Free your heart from hatred: Avoid those whom you think will create needless troubles. Don’t carry enmity, just ignore and focus on something which you like the most.

2. Free your mind from worry: To overcome worries it is easy to divert ourselves by listening music, playing with children, chanting, meditation, cooking and involving ourselves in gardening etc. Gardening gives us not only enjoyment but also helps to defeat the stress if there is any. Worries will make us sick and won’t be able to give full involvement in the work we do. Free from worries and be healthy.

3. Lead a simple life: Leading a simple life by helping others which will give us pleasure. Be humble always even after achieving enormous growth.

4. Confer extra: Always try to be true. Grant and express your love and affection to others .Do not hide your feelings. Give more care and love where there is no boundary.

5. Expect fewer: Never ever expect any things from others .Expectation may always hurt. Shower your inner most good thoughts and care without any expectations. No one can fulfill our own expectations. So expect less.

6. Deposit all your happiness in your bank account of memories, which can be credited throughout all your life which will remain as sweet memories

Mantra for happiness
  • Add friends
  • Subtract enemies
  • Divide wealth
  • Multiply happiness